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Self Care. Chances are that if you're already a wonderful client of ours, then you believe in, and regularly practice, self care. Not so long ago, we created the concept of "Self love Sunday", where we join together to take part in some form of care for ourselves, whether it be a meditation practice, a Q&A with a wellness professional, or a yoga practice. We all need to take time out for ourselves in our busy lives, and our "Self love Sundays" were created as a reminder that it's OK to look after yourself and to recharge your batteries. After all, you can't pour from an empty cup.

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During the Covid shutdown, we really missed the everyday connection and conversations with our clients, and we knew they missed us too, so we made it a priority to regularly keep in touch with everyone, and shared our feelings and experiences about that particularly tough time. It was important to us as Beauty Therapists to ensure that a kind and welcoming environment was waiting for our clients once we re-opened, so this is when we came up with the idea to create an online Zoom call, to keep us all connected. We have kept the "Self love Sunday" community going strong and our Zoom calls have continued long after the Covid lockdown and now take place every month🥰.

One of our major core beliefs is that Self Love starts from within. We project the message of self love in everything we do, so it's important for us to look after ourselves and to nourish our bodies, not only so we can provide clients with the best treatment and care possible, but also so we can communicate our message with authenticity. We view true beauty as loving yourself both inside and outside, and our favorite ways of treating ourselves is by indulging in a facial treatment💁, going for a hike in nature🌲🍂🌳, or taking an evening for a nice, long soak in the tub with gentle music🛀.

 Morgan is not from Brisbane and originates from New Zealand🥝😁,so creating a safe place to call home is important to her. In our busy lives, its quite easy to feel lost and we understand the feeling of wanting to feel grounded and safe, so taking this into consideration, we created a sense of community within the salon space and regularly bring everyone together for "Self Love Sundays" and beauty workshops. We recently came across a great quote by Helen Keller, that says, "Alone we can do little, together we can do so much", and we truly believe this. Creating a community filled with confidence, care and love is like a big collective warm hug🤗.

During our weekly team meetings, we discuss what our clients have been asking us about from one week to the next, whether it's about products, their skin, or their health, and we model our workshops around those topics . We believe that rather than telling you what you should be interested in, we listen to your questions and concerns, and enjoy sharing our knowledge, as well as educating clients in a fun and warm environment.

We have some exciting events coming up in the clinic each week. Yin Yoga, Nia Healing to move classes, Intuitive Art Classes, Sound Bath & Meditation, Soul Circles and so much more. Jump over to our EVENTS PAGE for more details and all the ticket links. 

We're always thinking of new and exciting ways to better ourselves and to give back to our clients and the community, and one of our favourite ways to do so is by volunteering for the "Look Good Feel Better" program. It holds a special place in our hearts.

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